
Scanstrut SC20 Mast Mount

  • Regular price £407.95

  • Marine grade aluminium
  • 4-step Marine paint system
  • Minimum Mast Diameter: 65mm (2.6\") (No max diameter)
  • Use 715-50100 Adapter kit with Z-Spars Eurospars and Isomat masts
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Made from marine-grade aluminium and coated with Scanstrut\'s unique 4-step marine paint system. Making sure that the mast mount stays looking its best year in year out whatever the oceans throw at it.

Universal Mounting - Attaches to mast with four swivel feet matching a variety of mast profiles. Optional adapter kit if required.

Strong Fixing - 12 point fixing using high-quality Monel rivets.

Compact Mounting - Antenna extends the minimum distance from the front of the mast.

Safety Wire kit - Independently attaches radar to mast in case an accident damages the installation.

Quality - Marine-grade aluminium design with Scanstrut\'s unique 4 step marine paint system.

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