
Raymarine CAM300 ClearCruise AR - Augmented Reality Pack

  • Regular price £1,295.95

  • Compact & Rugged CAM300
  • HD Imagery
  • 9-axis AHRS (attitude and heading reference system) sensor
  • 28-channel GPS receiver
  • Fast 10Hz position updates
  • Satellite differential GPS-compatible. Space-Based Augmentation System (SBAS) enabled with WASS EGNOS MSAS and GAGAN support
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ClearCruise AR brings enhanced on water perception to Raymarine\'s Axiom Multifunction displays. With ClearCruise AR Raymarine Axiom users can make smarter decisions with navigation objects overlaid directly on Axiom\'s high definition video display.

This pack includes the CAM300 mini Day/Night IP Camera and the AR200 Video stabilasation module and cables to connect to any compatible Axiom display.

ClearCruise AR Features

Make Smarter Decisions - See critical navigation objects overlaid on HD video. Surrounding AIS-equipped vessel traffic and charted navigation aids are clearly identified with rich graphics on a live dynamic video image.

Recognize and Respond to Nearby Marine Traffic - Color-coded labels provide instant identification status and risk-assessment Live AIS Targets. ClearCruise AR provides positive identification of AIS equipped vessels on the horizon.

Understand Complex Navigational Situations - Major chart objects are identified for instant heads-up recognition. ClearCruise AR technology shows you visually where your saved waypoints and marks are located.

See your waypoints in the real world - Visualize nearby marks and waypoints for easy navigation. ClearCruise AR technology makes it easy to pick out the buoys marking the edges of the safe channel on a hazy day.

Make Smarter Decisions With ClearCruise Augmented Reality

ClearCruise™ AR (Augmented Reality) brings enhanced on-water awareness to Raymarine’s family of Axiom® chartplotters. With ClearCruise AR you can make smarter decisions with physical navigation objects overlaid directly on Axiom’s high-definition video display.

In The Box

  • CAM300 Eyeball Day/Night Camera
  • AR200 Augmented Reality Stabilisation Module
  • RayNet to RJ45 Cable (10m)
  • STNG Backbone Cable (1m)
  • STNG T-Piece connector
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