
Garmin MSC 10 NMEA 2000 Marine Satellite Compass

  • Regular price £899.95

  • Accuracy comes easy with a multi-band GNSS receiver onboard
  • Faster updates More detailed tracking
  • Rough waters? The MSC 10 delivers pitch roll and heave info
  • Intergrates with other onboard systems that need a heading sensor
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Head out confidently

Multi-Band GNSS And Multi-Constellation
The multi-band GNSS (L1 and L5 GPS) and multi-constellation (GPS Galileo1 GLONASS and BeiDou) receiver delivers precise positioning.

Boat Heave and More
Get reliable accurate boat heave pitch and roll information - even in rough waters.

Built-In Attitude Heading Reference System (AHRS)
The built-in AHRS delivers better GPS heading information at high speeds.

Accurate Heading Data
Multiple receivers deliver heading accuracy within 2 degrees. Because it uses satellite signals you don’t have to worry about magnetic interference.

Primary Sensor Across Multiple Systems
You can use MSC 10 as the primary sensor for autopilots and other onboard systems that need accurate heading information.

NMEA 2000 Network Compatible
Get heading pitch roll and heave information delivered straight to your compatible Garmin chartplotter via the NMEA 2000 network.

Built for a better boating experience.

Easy To Install
This compact device is simple to install and easily integrates into your Garmin marine ecosystem.

10 Hz Update Rate
Get better more detailed tracking information thanks to the 10 Hz position update rate.

Backup Heading Sensor
In the extremely rare case that you lose satellite signal MSC 10 will seamlessly transition from GPS-based to magnetometer-based heading.

In The Box

  • MSC 10 Marine Satellite Compass
  • Pole mount
  • Mounting hardware
  • NMEA 2000 backbone/drop cable (6 metres)
  • NMEA 2000 T-connector
  • Documentation
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